
Showing posts from June, 2019

Barking up the Wrong Tree

If we could get the right people elected, if we could get the right laws passed... This is looking in the wrong place, for the wrong answer. Jesus said there will always be poor people, and that we should help them. He did not say we should pass laws so that we don't have to get our hands dirty dealing with the poor ourselves, nor did He say that we should MAKE other people help them by force of government. It is for us to do. Jesus asked, "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith?" Seemingly rhetorically telling us that things are going to get tough. He said we must take up our cross, an implement of torturous death, and follow Him. He did not say "things are looking up! It's only gonna get better from here!" Helping the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, burying the dead, these are the lot of Christians while at the same time suffering and persecution are the reward. Or do we think we deserve better than what they did to our God...