
Showing posts from January, 2022

The Jesus Prayer

" Pray without ceasing. " How, exactly, are we to do that? I can't just sit and pray all day. I have responsibilities: A job, a family, etc. And what would I pray about? I'm not good with words, and even if I was, surely I would run out of thoughts to pray about.  The answer to every question about this is the Jesus Prayer. Let's look at the prayer itself, in smaller parts: "Lord Jesus Christ." The Name above all names at which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. The titles Lord and Christ, the anointed one of God. As the song says, there 's power in the Name. When we call upon the Name of the Lord, we worship Him(Ps 116), we draw near to Him, and He draws near to us (Ja 4:8). How long have I lived my life attending services on Sunday but leaving and spending the rest of the week drifting away? But if I call on His Name throughout the day, I call to mind His imminent presence and I maintain closeness with Him. I repent, literally turning t...

Mary: Did YOU know...?

 This is a combination of a series of Facebook posts I made some time ago: Did you know...Mary is the greatest woman who ever lived. The archangel Gabriel and her cousin, St. Elizabeth both confess in Scripture "Blessed art thou among women." She was chosen by God to conceive, enflesh, birth, nurture, and raise "very God of very God, of one essence with the Father!" He who can not be contained condescended to be contained in her womb. She is the first Christian to receive the Savior, and she did so in ways no one else could ever do. She found favor with the Father, was overshadowed by the Spirit, and gave birth and raised the Son. (Icon: Our Lady of the Sign, depicting Christ's conception in her womb as she says "May it be done unto me." Her arms are open to us in an invitation to also receive the Savior of our souls.) Did you know...Mary is the model of a life of faith. When God's Angel came to her with His amazing message, in faith, Mary respo...

Perspective on The Saints

Many people have various ideas concerning the Saints of Christianity. Many Protestants, while acknowledging a few of them by calling them "Saint Paul" or "Saint Luke," fall into two camps. The more "evangelical" denominations generally don't recognize many, if any non-biblical persons as saints, to my knowledge. The "Mainline Protestants" like Methodists, Anglicans, Lutherans etc, do recognize other saints, to a limited degree. Coming from Lutheranism, I know they acknowledge Saint Augustine, Saint Lucia, and others. Ironically, Martin Luther, the Reformer who is credited with "restoring the Gospel" is not recognized as a saint, and no person is considered a saint, in the narrow sense, since the Reformation. In Lutheranism (I'm not sure about others), there is a broad, general sense of saint-hood, and it's generously applied to pretty much all those who have departed this life apparently in the faith. But that's it. Sain...