Israel, the Church, The New Israel, Replacement Theology, Judah, The People of God, and So On...

 In the beginning, God created a home that He shared with Adam and Eve. After a while, Adam and Eve left. When they were outside the home and the locks were changed, they were exceedingly sad. God promised them that One would come from her offspring and would bring the key to a new home. This created the Church; the People of God who lived with hope and faith in the Promise God made.

Adam and Eve had sons. Cain did not want to be in the Church. His ego and pride were so great that what happened in the Church made him so mad he killed his brother. This created another church, a false church with the self as its god, culminating in Lamech, the archetypal sinner.

Mankind grew and spread out over the earth. The church of the self grew also and was a blight upon creation. God baptized the world to wash away sin. Noah, his sons, his wife, and his son's wives, 8 souls in all remained after the baptism. They were the Church; the People of God, and they settled the land.

Ham, unable to live by the law of love in the Church; the People of God, shamed his father. The church of the self was reborn after a short hiatus and continues to this day.

Mankind grew and spread out over the earth. The Church; the People of God, and the church of the self carried on until one day the collective pride of the people of the church of the self grew so great that they made a plan to build a tower upon which they would climb to heaven and capture God Himself, drag Him down to earth, and make Him do their bidding.

God saw. He confused their tongues and divided them into separate nations and dispersed them in the earth. To each nation He assigned an angel to guide the people of earth away from the church of the self and back to the Church; the People of God. The Angels saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful. They saw the church of the self and liked its doctrine and a deal was struck. Mankind would worship the prideful angels, offer some of their women to them, and in exchange, the angels would reveal knowledge to mankind. Knowledge that they were not ready to have. The church of the self gave birth to the church of sexual gratification and the churches of the demons.

God saw. He remembered His promise to Adam and Eve: New keys to the new home He had made for them and the Church; the People of God, and so He looked down and chose a man and said "You, offspring of Eve, will be the father of the People of God, and from your offspring will come the One with the keys to the new home."

The man had a son, and he had a son, and he had many sons, and they all remembered the promise of God. This large family God defined as the People of God and there were clear boundaries and indications of membership in the Church; the People of God. God preserved them and did many miracles for them, but some of them wavered between the Church: the People of God, and the church of the self and its affiliates, many, many of them deciding in their hearts that the church of the self is where their allegiance lay. Even so, they were in the Church; the People of God, for it was possible to be a scoundrel without the courage of your convictions to leave. Still, His promise was to all of them. People from other nations could and did become part of the Church; the People of God. Others did leave for the church of the self.

There was much turmoil and destruction, but the Church; the people of God continued to exist. They remembered the Promises and lived in faith and hope. 

One day, a Son was born who turned out to be the One with the keys to the new home. He taught the Church; the People of God, in words and deeds, and at the climax of His life, He opened the way home and unlocked the doors. The Church; the People of God, now knew the way back to a Home shared with God!

The Church; the People of God, suddenly began to grow in number and in boldness in the face of the church of the self and all its affiliates, and people were coming back into the Church; the People of God after the way had been opened. There were still many people in the church of the self, because neither God, nor the Son, nor the Church used force or violence to bring people in. Just the message of the Promises Made and the Promises Kept.

The Church, the people of God, grew and spread out over the earth. The Church, the people of God now existed under the headship of 5 Brothers. The church of the self continued. Some within the Church; the People of God, were enticed by the church of the self, and their pride began to swell. As a result, one of the 5 Brothers left the gathering of Brothers and went out on his own, claiming to be "the Church," but he had left the other Brothers and the union and communion of hearts and minds and consensus about the Promises Made and the Promises Kept.

The Church; the People of God, were saddened, but their Brother would not listen and his pride grew. Meanwhile, the 4 remaining brothers had many struggles and trials and were fighting just to survive, but they remained together. Eventually the Church; the People of God gave birth to other Brothers.

The Brother who went out on his own had sons who also had the mind and heart of the church of the self, and they left their father. They, in turn had sons, who had sons, who had sons, who continue to this day to leave their father because of their heritage of pride.

Many of the sons of the lone Brother have shards and fragments from the Church; the People of God, but being separate, they don't have the fullness of the Promises Made and Promises Kept. They imagine for some reason that the Church; the People of God at some point became "invisible" and nebulous and no one could really know where it is. But the Church; the People of God continued under the guidance of the elder Brothers in consensus about the Promises Made and Promises Kept. They were clear about it, they were clear about gathering together, and as in the old days, there were clear boundaries and indications of membership. They were baffled by this assertion from those who had left them, that they had somehow become "invisible" and that the church of the self was a part of the Church, the People of God, tho they would not leave the church of the self and come in to the Church; the People of God.

The People of God have been since the expulsion from Paradise. They have had different names throughout time, but no one replaced them, there have not been different versions of them, they are no longer geopolitically identified for the boundaries have expanded to cover the earth. They have continued, unbroken, unto this very day, to live in faith and hope in God and the Promises Made and the Promises Kept. The Church; The People of God are still here, and still have clear boundaries and indications of membership. Its earthly membership is completely visible within these clear boundaries. Come inside. The Orthodox Church awaits you!


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